And Their Craft Episode 1

A long time ago I had an idea for a documentary series about craftspeople that focused on why they do what they do. This is the pilot episode of that series.

Shot in February 2017 at the North Bennet Street School this video has been a long time in the making — moving on and off the back-burner too many times to count.

I’ve known Sarah since middle school and she was kind enough to let me stick a camera in her face for a day while she made a book. She’s also been extremely patient while I put this together.

Recent photo of the notebook Sarah made. It almost feels wasteful to put my silly ideas into it.

Recent photo of the notebook Sarah made. It almost feels wasteful to put my silly ideas into it.

I worked on a project with Rick Broussard and Courtney Hoppe called “Stuff Made Here” that is a spiritual ancestor to this series.

I’m always looking for more craftspeople to meet. So, if you know someone, or are someone, who makes stuff, please reach out to me on my contact form or via twitter.